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How to Write a Letter of Recommendation (With Samples & Tips)

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation (With Samples & Tips)

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Learn how to design a compelling letter of recommendation with expert tips, sample templates, and a letter of recommendation format.

Arshi Khan
Updated on:  03 Oct 2024 | 38 | 14  min read

A letter of recommendation is a formal document written by someone who knows you well professionally or academically and can attest to your qualifications, skills, character, and achievements. The letter of recommendation complements your application by adding a credible testament to your capabilities, strengthening your application for a job, academic program, or other opportunities. It provides genuine insight into your potential beyond your resume, cover letter, and educational credentials. It is generally written by your professor, academic advisor, employer, supervisor, or colleague who has directly worked with you or taught you.


Types of Letter of Recommendation

There are broadly two types of LOR, namely professional and academic. Each LOR serves a different purpose and is tailored according to the requirement.


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    Academic LOR: An academic LOR is typically written by a professor, mentor, or academic advisor who has closely observed your educational journey. It highlights your academic abilities, your learning skills, and your potential for future studies. This type of LOR is generally used to enhance your application when you apply for higher studies.
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    Professional LOR: A professional LOR, however, is written by someone you have worked with, may it be your supervisor or colleague. This type of LOR highlights your professional skills, work ethic, leadership qualities, and your ability to collaborate with different teams. This type of LOR is typically required when you are applying for a job or programs where work experience is required.

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How to Write an Effective Letter of Recommendation for Students? 

To craft an engaging LOR, recommenders should first understand the motive for which LOR is being asked and tailor it according to the purpose. We have learned in the above section that there are broadly two types of LOR and each serves a different purpose.


Steps to Write an Academic LOR:

An academic letter of recommendation plays a vital role in complementing your application. A well-crafted academic LOR highlights your achievements, skills, and real examples that set you apart from other applicants. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you to frame a compelling LOR.


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    Understand the purpose: Recommenders should first understand the purpose of LOR, whether a student is applying for graduate school, higher studies, or scholarships. Then tailor the LOR accordingly.
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    Introduction: The introduction of your LOR is crucial, as it sets the tone for the entire letter. A well-designed introduction will create a strong foundation for the rest of your letter. It’s important to make this section engaging, establishing a positive impression for the reader.

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      Start by introducing yourself and the context in which you know the student whether as a professor, mentor, or academic advisor.
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      Provide a brief overview of the student’s skills and achievements.
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    Highlight the student’s academic strengths: Recommenders should outline your academic performance, skills, and knowledge by providing real-life experiences like specific projects or research papers. It will add value to your LOR.
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    Include personal qualities: Recommender should highlight your soft skills like leadership qualities, ability to work in teams, and communication skills by providing real examples that demonstrate such traits.
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    Discuss future Potential: Recommender should highlight your skills that align with the program you are applying for. He should mention how your strengths will contribute to your success in future academic endeavors.
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    Concluding Remarks: The Recommender should conclude the letter by expressing his belief why you are an ideal candidate for the program you are applying for, urging the admission committee to seriously consider your application.
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    Provide your contact details: Provide the basic contact details at the end of the letter. This will ensure that the recipient can reach out for any additional details or clarification regarding the student's qualifications.
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Steps to Write a Professional LOR:

Below is a step-by-step guide to draft letter of recommendation.


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    Understand the purpose: Know the job or position the candidate is applying for and tailor your letter to that specific role.
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    Introduction: Start the letter by stating your name, job title, and relationship to the candidate- whether a supervisor or colleague. Provide a brief overview of the student’s key qualifications.
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    Highlight the relevant skills and achievements: Recommender should focus on your skills and accomplishments that align with the position you are applying for. Moreover, the recommender should use specific examples of projects, tasks, or responsibilities that demonstrate your abilities.
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    Discuss personal qualities: Recommender should mention your qualities like teamwork, leadership, communication skills, and work ethic with examples that illustrate these traits in action.
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    Address potential growth: The Recommender should express his confidence in why he believes that you will succeed in the new role or company and should discuss the growth potential.
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    Conclude on a positive note: The recommender should end the letter with a clear recommendation and should encourage the employer to consider your application seriously.
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    Sign off: Provide basic contact information. 

Sample Letter of Recommendation for Student 

Below is a sample recommendation letter that will help you understand write LOR for the MS program you are applying for.


I’m elated to write this letter of recommendation for (Your Name) for (the program you are applying for) at your institution. I have known (Your Name) since the first year of her graduate program. I had the privilege of teaching her the core subject in the (Course Name). During her course period (Your Name) consistently demonstrated exceptional academic performance and passion for fieldwork.


During her coursework, (Your Name) has displayed outstanding academic and analytical skills. She had consistently maintained excellence in academics. Apart from her academic performance, she had also excelled in (extra-curricular activities). Her attitude towards any project or activity was commendable and inspiring. She is highly organized and self-motivated, and her approach towards every activity speaks volumes about her determination and passion for learning.


One notable instance of her excellence is when she was assigned a group project where she exhibited outstanding leadership quality, and led a successful completion of the project. She possesses exceptional communication skills which she demonstrated during her presentation on (Topic Name). She has a clear understanding of theoretical concepts which she successfully applies to real-world situations.


I highly recommend (Your Name) for the (Program Name) that she is applying for. Her academic excellence and willingness to learn makes her an ideal candidate for this program. She would be a valuable addition to your university. I’m confident that she will continue to demonstrate the same passion for learning and contribute significantly to the program she is applying for. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.




Professor’s Name
Department of (Subject)
University Name





What is the Significance of a Letter of Recommendation? 

The meaning of a letter of recommendation is more than just a piece of paper, it’s a powerful tool that can make a real difference in your application whether you are applying for a job, a scholarship, or admission to your dream university. A well-written LOR speaks volumes about your potential, skills, and character.


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    The true significance of an LOR lies in its ability to offer credibility and personal insights. When someone with authority attests to your qualifications through real examples, it amplifies your strengths. 
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    In a competitive world, where everyone has good grades or similar qualifications, a well-written LOR can help you stand out. 

Quick Tips for Writing a Strong LOR 

Following the tips given below will help you design your LOR more comprehensive, impactful, and tailored specifically to strengthen your application, thereby increasing your chances of being shortlisted for the opportunity you are pursuing.


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    Be specific: While writing an LOR, the recommender should ensure that he will write an LOR that revolves around the specific course you are applying for.
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    Tailor the letter: Recommender should tailor your letter of recommendation by giving specific examples that will demonstrate your skills and character. He should align your skills to the course you are applying for.
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    Focus on key qualities: To make your LOR more compelling, the recommender should address your various skills, ranging from your academic performance to soft skills like leadership quality, communication skills, and ability to collaborate with others. Such additions help to make your LOR engaging and attract the reader’s attention.
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    Keep it concise: Make sure your LOR is a reflection of your relevant skills and potential that aligns with the specific course you are willing to pursue.
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    Use a professional tone, and keep it formal: The recommender should maintain a professional tone throughout the LOR while ensuring it reflects genuine knowledge of your academic journey and personal growth.
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    Proofread carefully: Make sure you proofread your LOR and it’s free from errors and grammatical mistakes.
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    Offer contact details: Provide basic contact details. 

Mistakes to Avoid While Writing a Letter of Recommendation

By avoiding the below common mistakes, you can design a more impactful LOR that truly reflects your abilities and potential.


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    Being too generic: A generic LOR fails to highlight the strengths and achievements and hence makes it less impactful.
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    Lacking a standard format: Recommenders should adhere to the standard format of a LOR, as not following the same will reflect poorly on you and your recommender.
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    Overly lengthy or short letters: An LOR should be balanced such that it shouldn’t be too lengthy which loses the reader’s interest and should not be too short and lack sufficient details.
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    Lacking a professional tone: Your LOR should maintain a professional tone throughout the LOR since an unprofessional tone reduces the credibility of the recommendation.
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    Failing to tailor the LOR: Your LOR should be tailored according to the specific program since a generic LOR will diminish the impact of your LOR.
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    Missing a personal touch: The recommender should mention the specific examples that reflect on your skills and characters since lacking the personal touch will end up making your LOR more generic and less impactful.
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    Not proofreading: Recommender should ensure that your LOR is free from errors and grammatical mistakes as not proofreading your LOR will reduce the credibility of your LOR.

Writing a compelling LOR is crucial to secure your chances of getting selected for the course or role you are applying for. To write an effective LOR, the recommender should make sure he mentions all the relevant details that are required for the specific course or role, by providing examples where you impressed your recommender. Your LOR should be tailored to the program or role and must focus on your key qualities and character. Your recommender should express his belief that you are an ideal candidate for the opportunity you are seeking. It should maintain a professional tone throughout your LOR. By avoiding the above mistakes you can make your LOR more engaging and impactful since a well-written LOR enhances your application significantly.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the same LOR for different applications?

You can use the same LOR but it is advisable to tailor each letter of recommendation that align with the program or job requirements.

How can I ensure that my LOR stands out?

Focus on specific achievements, provide real-life examples, and ensure the letter is well-structured, professional, and tailored to the application.

Is it okay if my LOR is shorter than one page?

Your LOR should be at least one page long so that it will talk about your relevant skills, character, and real-life examples. It should not be too short that it could be perceived as lacking detail or effort.

Can an LOR be submitted digitally?

Yes, most institutions and employers accept digital submissions, either through an online application portal or email. Make sure to check the specific instructions.

Should I provide my recommender with details about the program or job?

Yes, it’s crucial to provide your recommender with information about the program or job you’re applying for so that they can tailor the letter accordingly.

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