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SOP Reviews: Enhancing Your Statement of Purpose

Review Your
Statement of Purpose

Try our SOP evaluation tool for a comprehensive analysis of content, grammar, readability, and more – all at no cost!

Note: If you have already submitted your SOP for review, please Log In to see your submitted SOP.

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Your Statement of Purpose needs to be a minimum of 100 words.


How Does Our SOP Review Online Tool Works?

GyanDhan’s Automated SOP review is an online tool that reviews a Statement of Purpose draft written by students and provides expert advice. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP), the tool analyzes the Statement of Purpose not just for subject matter but also for grammar and flow, against defined benchmarks. These are the parameters the tool considers while reviewing your SOP:
  • list items Matter: An SOP should tell your personal story. It should talk about your strengths, achievements, source of inspiration, your goals, and how your target course will help you attain your goals. Our tool checks your SOP against these guidelines and then points out the missing parts in the end result.
  • list items Grammar: Each SOP is carefully examined for proper grammar and word-usage. An SOP written in simple English is more impactful than an SOP filled with flamboyant words. This aspect is often ignored by applicants and hence, our tool checks on these parameters.
  • list items Flow: Any SOP needs to have a logical structure and a seamless flow of thought - something which is often missed by the applicants. Our NLP-based tool inspects the SOP for the appropriate flow of thought as well.
  • list items Confidentiality: We respect your privacy and hence, all the SOPs uploaded to our tool are confidential. We do not share them or the inherent data with anyone.

  • Need expert help in editing your SOP? We help with that as well! Both free and premium options are available. Contact us at

    Why is the Statement of Purpose so important for your application?


    The Statement of Purpose (SOP) is crucial for your application because it:

  • list items Helps you to showcase your personal motivation like why are you pursuing the program and your career goals.
  • list items It also helps to prove how you are a good fit for the program and university through your personal and academic background.
  • list items It reflects how well you can communicate
  • list items It is a great opportunity to show your experiences, achievements, and challenges beyond grades and test scores.
  • list items It helps you to differentiate yourself from the other applicants and in order to secure admissions
  • Sprinkles

    Sample SOP Created With SOP Evaluation Tool


    Here is a sample SOP for an MBA degree that has been evaluated using the SOP Evaluation tool.

    I hail from a small town in Delhi, driven by a deep-seated aspiration to one day own a business. Despite this entrepreneurial spirit, societal expectations and peer pressure led me to pursue an engineering degree, temporarily sidelining my business ambitions. In India, the inherent risks associated with starting a venture often lead parents to discourage this path, prioritizing financial stability and conventional career choices. Nevertheless, I have always believed that my knowledge is the key to transforming my future. Consequently, I completed my Software Engineering degree with distinction from IIT Delhi, and I now believe it is the opportune moment to embark on my MBA journey to elevate my career further.

    I was fortunate to begin my professional career with Infosys, a multinational IT giant, where I have worked as a software developer for the past three years. This role has been instrumental in honing my soft skills, including effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptability, and patience. My dedication and passion for my work were recognized early on when I was awarded the "Outstanding Newcomer of the Year" in my first year. Despite this success, I have decided to pause my professional life to pursue an MBA in Marketing, a multifaceted degree that I believe is essential for kickstarting my journey as an entrepreneur.

    In light of the ongoing climate change crisis, I am inspired to establish a green infrastructure company specializing in vertical gardens, urban greening, and living architecture. My vision is to integrate plants into modern architecture, enhancing aesthetics, improving air quality, and promoting sustainability. To achieve this dream and raise awareness, particularly in India, I plan to leverage aggressive marketing strategies. I am confident that an MBA in Marketing will equip me with the skills to develop innovative solutions to evolving business challenges and successfully launch my venture.

    As an engineering graduate, applying to a prestigious institution like [name of university] was once a distant dream. However, the MBA in Marketing program at [name of university] represents the ideal choice for me. The interdisciplinary approach of the B-school will enable me to understand customer psychology, behavioral economics, and market research, which are critical components of effective marketing strategies. I am particularly excited about joining the Entrepreneur Club, where I can interact with like- minded individuals, and the extensive alumni network, which includes several industry pioneers running successful businesses. These connections will provide invaluable insights and mentorship.

    Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence. Given the opportunity, I am eager to commence this new chapter, embrace the challenges that come my way, and ultimately achieve my entrepreneurial ambitions.

    Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to contributing to and growing within the esteemed community at [name of university].

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is the Statement of Purpose so important for your application?

    Statement of Purpose is extremely important when applying for admissions abroad. Universities expect students to describe their achievements, their goals, personal anecdotes that molded them to become what they are now - all in an effort to make a case as to (a) how your target course will help achieve your goals and (b) how you are a good fit for your target program. As no two people have the same set of circumstances, motivations, and goals, hence, each SOP has its own individuality.

    We have received several requests from students asking for SOP samples. Using a sample SOP is not an advisable approach as there’s a high chance of plagiarism creeping into your writing, and should the university detect any plagiarism in your SOP, your application is sure to be declined. For your guidance, we have put together a generic template and approach for drafting a Statement of Purpose:

    Before putting pen to paper, we suggest students introspect and answer some basic questions, which can later be used in the SOP:

    What are the important events in your academic or professional life? This can be an achievement, a motivating or inspiring event or anything the student feels might add value to their SOP. Listing down major 5 incidents would be good. However, feel free to add more if you feel the need.

    What subject and specialization did you choose in your Bachelors and why?

    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    Which course are you applying to and why? You can also add anything that motivated you to pursue this particular course. This can include anything that shows your interest in the field, such as any previous research work, conferences, work experience, paper publication or courses.

    Did you choose to work after your under graduation? And if you chose to, then why work and not pursue a Masters?

    If you have some work experience, then list down what you have gained professionally and why you are applying for a Masters now.

    What are your goals - both short term and long term - and how will the university and the course that you are applying to help you in achieving them?

    Most universities prefer students who dabble in multiple things. So, adding a few lines on the co-curricular activities that you have been a part of would be great. As would some involvement in community work. Any international exposure - whether professional or academic- should also be shared in the SOP.

    After answering these questions, you can start drafting your SOP. Typically, it will have around four paragraphs. Introduction and the inspiration behind your target course is the first paragraph while education and evidence of your interest, which makes you an ideal candidate for that field will constitute the second paragraph. Your personal and professional goals will be stated in the third paragraph, which will also as to how your target university can help you in this regard. And the last paragraph will talk about why the target university is suited for you and this persuasive conclusion can also include specific details like mentors, infrastructure, course- structure, internships, assistantships, and seniors etc.

    Once you have the first draft of your SOP ready, students can further refine it by incorporating a logical flow and making it more impactful.

    How can GyanDhan help you with your SOP?

    GyanDhan’s free-to-use Automated SOP Review tool reviews your Statement of purpose for Bachelors, Masters or any other program.

    We use NLP to analyze your SOP.
    The tool minutely goes through the matter in the SOP and checks it for grammar as well as flow.
    We maintain complete confidentiality.
    You can also get your SOP reviewed by our partner admission consultants. Depending on your profile and target university, our partners may or may not charge a fee for their services. For more information, simply contact us at

    How to use the Automatic SOP Review tool?

    You start by entering basic personal details such as Name, Phone Number, e-mail address etc. In the next step, you enter your GRE/GMAT score, the target course, the target university, and the target country. The third step is to enter the SOP Draft. Once you hit submit, the SOP tool takes 2 minutes to automatically review your SOP and display the results. Do note that you’ll be required to log in (for new users, login details are sent to the email ID you enter above) to view the results - this helps ensure confidentiality of your SOP.

    What are the key outputs of the Automated SOP Review Tool?

    After analyzing the SOP, the tool gives the following results:

    It highlights long sentences and complex sentences. Since most universities encourage students to write an SOP in simple English, students can do away with these complex sentences. Also, having shorter sentences in the SOP makes it more impactful and easier to read.
    The tool also points out the grammatical or punctuation errors, in addition highlighting words, which are mostly not used in formal writing. These words can then be replaced with more formal words to suit the tone of the SOP.
    It also gives feedback on things that are missing from the SOP – for example, mentors/professors with whom a student would be interested to work with, missing research work and others. Students can incorporate the feedback and come up with a better and more optimal version of their SOP.
    Use GyanDhan’s automatic SOP review tool and increase your chances of getting an admission letter from your dream University.

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