How to Write a Killer SOP

How to Write a Killer Statement of Purpose (SOP) ?

How to Write a Killer Statement of Purpose (SOP) ?

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Statement of purpose (SOP) is a critical aspect of application. A Good SOP can often make the difference between acceptance and rejection. Learn how you to write a stellar SOP detailing your virtues and other aspects of your personality

Ankit Mehra
Updated on:  11 Sep 2024  | Reviewed By:  Aman  | 15.2K | 11  min read

We may not be the brightest bulb in the tannery; unaware of current updates, how to apply for education loans or how to kill a Mockingbird. Nonetheless, there’s one skill that we all have mastered in – boasting about our achievements, no matter how insignificant they are.


Even though some studies depict that boasting can actually be counter-productive, studying abroad presents a platform to you where you can boast to your heart’s content and actually benefit!

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What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

An SOP is a personal letter of recommendation issued by you in your favour about you. It follows the motto of “for the people, by the people, of the people” with a minor amendment in the subject part of the phrase – you don’t have to involve people.


You’re to describe your goals, your desires, your hopes, how you became the person you are currently and what you aspire to be in an upbeat, interesting manner. Nobody likes a know-it-all stating statistics and naked facts.

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What Should A Statement Of Purpose Contain?

Well, containing things is a broad topic, and quite abstract, to be frank. Containment can have many meanings.


To get a foreign education loan, your briefcase will need to contain so many documents required for education loan. Hold on, did we get off-topic?


If so, we gave you an accurate example of the grave error most students get accused of committing while composing their statements of purpose.


To help you slam this task as if it was a child’s play, we’ve bulleted the exact points you must stress on:

  • list items The student’s background - you’ll need to go back to your roots!
  • list items Academics and professional experience have helped you a long way; go on brag about your beautiful mind.
  • list items Extracurricular activities; all work and no play makes you a dull creep.
  • list items Your urgent and future dreams and how you think that the particular institution will give you a much-required push towards it.
  • list items Why do you think you’re special?

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How To Write A Stunning Statement Of Purpose?

The first 50-100 words are most essential and play a crucial role in helping admission officials form an opinion about you. You need to use these few words to impact how they think of you.

The first draft gets recycled very quickly, so you’re not a fool if you get it wrong in your first try. It takes over 10 to 12 drafts to get the SOP done perfectly. You’ll approximately need two months’ time, so no pressure.


Now, let’s cut to the chase. You need to be fun, enthusiastic, upbeat and interesting in your SOP-self. Try incorporating anecdotes, stories about your past and present or even something that’s so unusual that it’s amusing.


Instead of going for “I want to pursue post-graduation in Physics because I’m really interested in electricity and I want to know more about it. I believe, your institution will help me grow as a student and I’d be on top of the world if I get in”,  you could write something as weird as “Ever since I read my first book on electricity, wires have connected me to the world of Physics in a mesh. I’m positive you couldn’t resist my potential once we form a closed circuit.”


The first content is of 45 words and the second is of 34 words. Judge for yourself which one would you remember if you handed 500 similar applications.

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What Do Universities Look For in An SOP?

The college authorities want to know how you portray yourself, who do you look up to, what you aspire to be, how serious are you about your pursuits and how competitive can you get. Also, instead of searching for higher education loans or education loan without security, isn’t it easier to look for financial aid for international students?


You can always ask for an international scholarship for Indian students through your SOP or how to get a scholarship for MS in the USA. But, mind you, let it be funny. Humour can’t ever be dull!

To know more about SOP For MS in US, click here.


How Can GyanDhan Help You With Your SOP?  

Also, after writing your SOP, it is a great idea to have it edited and analyzed by experienced reviewers so that you can enhance its quality even further. And that is why you ought to try GyanDhan's Free SOP Review Service and get your SOP analyzed by experts in the most definite manner. You can be assured that after a thorough review you will put your best foot forward and be on the path to ace your application!


Along with our free SOP review tool, we also provide advanced SOP review services, wherein you and our experts will be working together on your SOP. When you send your SOP to our experts, they will make the required edits and corrections and send it back to you. You can make further comments on your revised SOP and send it to the experts again, who will then address those comments. The advanced services have different price slabs according to the number of times the mentioned edit process is repeated. These services are provided to you at nominal costs, so you can be assured that all the cost and effort invested will be worth it. 


Additionally, you can also check out our SOP writing guides for specific SOP tricks for your course and country combination -

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay if I exceed the word limit in my SOP?

Ideally, you should try as hard as possible to stick to the word limit. The admission committee wants to get a quick idea of your achievements, objectives, and personality. One thing you should remember is that beating around the bush or repeating the same point will not emphasize your achievements. Instead, it will make the SOP unreadable. If at all you need to exceed the word limit, make sure it is not much, and that the content is not boring. It must clearly convey your intentions and should be relevant to the SOP.

Can a good SOP make up for a weak academic profile?

Yes. A good SOP can make up for a weak academic profile. So even if you have an average performance on your scorecard, your SOP can speak better for the objectives and ambitions you have. If the admissions committee is convinced that you are driven and willing to put in efforts to realize your objectives, it forms a good impression of you and diverts attention from your weak academic profile. So if you have a weak academic profile, you still have the opportunity to seal your admissions by writing a good SOP!

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