What is Part Period Interest in SBI Education Loan?
Education Loan

What is Part Period Interest in SBI Education Loan?

What is Part Period Interest in SBI Education Loan?

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Read GyanDhan’s comprehensive guide on what is part period interest in SBI education loan.

Ananya Ghai
Updated on:  12 Jun 2024  | Reviewed By:  Aman  | 7.33K | 9  min read

When it comes to financing higher education, particularly when studying abroad or at premier institutions, many students and their families consider education loans as a viable financial option. Among the various education loans available in India, the State Bank of India (SBI) offers some of the most sought-after schemes. However, there's a specific aspect of these loans that often puzzles borrowers: part-period interest. 

Before we dive into the specifics of what is part period interest in SBI education loans, it's essential to understand the basics of education loans. An education loan is designed to cover a wide array of expenses related to higher education, including tuition fees, accommodation costs, books, and other necessary expenditures. 

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Part Period Interest in SBI Education Loan

Part-period interest, often referred to as pre-EMI interest, is a concept that not every borrower might be familiar with when they first apply for an education loan. It is the interest that accumulates on the loan amount disbursed to the borrower before the commencement of the actual EMI payments.

In the context of SBI education loans, part-period interest is the interest that is charged on the disbursed loan amount during the moratorium period. The moratorium period in education loans is a grace period during which the borrower is not required to make any principal repayments. This period usually extends until the completion of the course and an additional 6 to 12 months after that, allowing the student time to secure employment and start earning before beginning to repay the loan.


How does Part Period Interest Work in SBI Education Loan?

The calculation of part-period interest can be a bit intricate. It begins to accrue from the moment the first disbursement is made until the loan enters the repayment phase. During this period, although you are not required to pay the principal amount, the interest still accumulates.

For instance, if you take an education loan where the disbursement is made in tranches as per the requirement of the course fee, the part-period interest is calculated on the amount disbursed up to that point, not on the total sanctioned loan amount. This interest needs to be paid, often on a monthly basis or as per the terms agreed upon in the loan agreement.


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Significance of Part Period Interest in your SBI Education Loan

Understanding part-period interest is crucial for several reasons:

  • list items Budget planning: Knowing about the part period interest helps in planning your finances better. You'll have a clear idea of the amounts that need to be paid during your course duration and can plan accordingly.
  • list items Less financial burden: By paying off the part-period interest, you prevent this interest from being added to your principal amount once the repayment period starts, which can significantly reduce the overall interest burden over the loan's tenure.
  • list items Transparency: Being aware of how part-period interest works adds a layer of transparency to your loan process. You know exactly what you're paying for and why, which helps in making informed decisions.

Read More About: Understanding Partial Interest in Education Loan


How to Calculate Part Period Interest?

To calculate part-period interest, you need to know the interest rate of your SBI education loan and the amount disbursed. The interest is usually calculated using the simple interest method on the disbursed amount for the duration until the repayment starts.

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What is the Impact on Repayment?

The part-period interest can have a significant impact on your overall loan repayment strategy. Since this interest accrues during the study period and moratorium, not paying it can increase your overall loan burden. It's often advisable to pay off this interest as and when it is due to avoid the compounding effect on the overall loan amount.

Understanding what part period interest is in an SBI education loan is vital for effective financial planning. It ensures that you are not caught off guard by unexpected payments and helps in strategizing your loan repayment in a way that is financially less burdensome. Navigating through the complexities of education loans can be challenging. This is where GyanDhan steps in. As a platform dedicated to making higher education more accessible to students, GyanDhan offers assistance in understanding various loan aspects, including part-period interest in SBI education loans. Their expertise can guide you in making informed decisions, ensuring that your focus remains on your education rather than financial burdens.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is part-period interest in SBI education loans?

Part period interest, also known as moratorium interest, is the interest that accumulates on your loan amount during the moratorium period, which includes the course duration plus an additional 6-12 months post-completion. You're not required to pay the principal amount during this period, but the interest continues to accrue.

When does repayment of SBI education loans begin?

Repayment for SBI student loans begins after the completion of the course and the moratorium period. This could be one year after course completion or 6 months after securing a job, whichever comes first. The loans are usually repaid in EMIs over a maximum term of 15 years.

What are the interest rates for SBI Education Loans?

SBI offers competitive interest rates for its education loans, with specific rates varying depending on the loan scheme. For instance, the SBI student loan scheme offers rates starting from 10.45%, with concessions available for female students and those availing of SBI Rinn Raksha or similar policies.

Are there any concessions or benefits for servicing interest during the moratorium period?

Yes, if you service the full interest during the course and moratorium period, it will not be added to your EMIs, resulting in lower EMI amounts. Additionally, the interest paid on education loans is eligible for a deduction under Section 80(E) of the Income Tax Act

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