University of Waterloo Courses

Waterloo, Canada

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Department of Chemical Engineering

The department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in chemical engineering. They provide support and academic expertise to Waterloo's multidisciplinary nanotechnology and biomedical engineering programs. With more than 250 graduate students and 35+ faculty members, the department conducts research covering core areas, such as polymers, reaction engineering and process systems engineering, and emerging areas such as fuel cell research, tissue engineering and nanotechnology.

The university provides these graduate programmes:

  • list items MEng: The Master of Engineering (MEng) program has course content pertaining to biochemical and biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, process systems, polymer science and more. This program is non-supervised and self-funded.
  • list items MASc: The Master of Applied Science (MASc) program focuses on original engineering research with a faculty member.

The department also provides a collaborative Nanotechnology and Water programme. 

Research groups and centres include:

  • list items Centre For Bioengineering And Biotechnology
  • list items Chemical Process Optimization, Multiscale Modelling And Process Systems Research Group
  • list items Computational Multiphysics Research Group
  • list items Institute for Polymer Research
  • list items Water Institute
  • list items Waterloo Centre for Automotive Research
  • list items Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology
  • list items Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (Wise)

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

The department is one of the largest combined departments of Civil, Environmental, Geological and Architectural engineering in Canada.

They have indulged in nurturing a collaborative research environment and conducting multidisciplinary research with students, staff and faculty from the School of Architecture and Planning, and the Departments of Earth & Environmental Sciences and Biology.

The master’s programmes offered by the department are: 

Master of Engineering

It is a course-based degree option, which may be completed on a part-time or full-time basis. Those students who are registered full-time normally complete the degree in three to four terms. This is a self-funded degree option. Students within the MEng program may also apply to the Master of Engineering - Nuclear Engineering program, which was created in partnership between the University of Waterloo, McMaster University, and the University of Western Ontario.

Master of Applied Science

It is a research-focused degree option, which may be completed on a part-time or full-time basis. A student who is registered full-time in the MASc will normally complete the degree in two years; the first year is focused primarily on coursework, while the second year is largely research-based.

Graduate students in the department earn a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering while choosing to focus within one of four major areas of study:

  • list items Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
  • list items Geotechnical Engineering
  • list items Structures, Mechanics and Construction Engineering
  • list items Transportation Engineering



  • list items Undergraduate Water Chemistry Laboratory
  • list items Drinking Water Pilot Plant Laboratory
  • list items WasteWater Pilot Plant Laboratory
  • list items WasteWater Laboratory
  • list items Sediment Laboratory
  • list items Field Prep Laboratory
  • list items Microbiology Laboratory
  • list items Sample Storage
  • list items Laboratory Support and Centrifuge
  • list items Chemical Storage
  • list items Wet Chemistry Laboratory
  • list items Analytical Laboratories
  • list items Contaminant Remediation Laboratory
  • list items Flex Lab
  • list items Teaching Laboratory
  • list items Main Hydraulics Laboratory


  • list items BEG HUT Natural Test Facility
  • list items Test Track Laboratory
  • list items CATT Laboratory and Centrifuge
  • list items Dynamics Laboratory;
  • list items Computed tomography Laboratory
  • list items Teaching Laboratory and Machining Workshop
  • list items Main Structures Laboratory and Woodshop
  • list items Concrete Laboratory
  • list items Concrete Mixing Plant
  • list items Concrete Curing Room
  • list items Concrete Casting Areas and Environmental Exposure Facilities
  • list items Fatigue Lab and Technical Workshop
  • list items Secondary Structures Laboratory
  • list items Nondestructive Testing Laboratory
  • list items Workshop, Structures Support Facility
  • list items CPATT Laboratory
  • list items Construction robotics
  • list items 3D scanning Laboratory

3. GEOTECHNICAL (GEO) LABS: Geotechnical Teaching Laboratory; Geotechnical Research Laboratory


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

It is Waterloo’s largest academic department and offers undergraduate and graduate programmes in electrical engineering and computer engineering. The department provides academic expertise and support to Waterloo’s multidisciplinary mechatronics, nanotechnology, and software engineering programs. The department has over 2,500 students, 95 full-time faculty members and 50 support staff.

Research activities cover a wide range of fields, from high-voltage engineering and sustainable energy to breakthroughs in wireless technology that will enhance communications across our global society. 

The faculty members and students are creating low-cost digital x-ray imagers to fight tuberculosis in developing countries and building real-time embedded systems which will result n  major advancements in the design and reliability of consumer and industrial products.

The department offers an Honours Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in two core undergraduate programmes:

  1. list items
    Computer Engineering
  2. list items
    Electrical Engineering

and four interdisciplinary undergraduate programmes:

  1. list items
    Software Engineering
  2. list items
    Nanotechnology Engineering
  3. list items
    Mechatronics Engineering
  4. list items
    Biomedical Engineering

The graduate programmes include:

  1. list items
    Certificate of Completion (Non-Degree) in Electric Power Engineering (course-work)
  2. list items
    Graduate Diploma in Electric Power Engineering (course-work)
  3. list items
    Master of Engineering (course-work)
  4. list items
    Master of Engineering in Electric Power Engineering (course-work)
  5. list items
    Master of Applied Science (research)
  6. list items
    Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Applied Science (MASc) programme focuses on original engineering research. The department has the Giga-to-Nanoelectronics Centre, High Voltage Engineering Lab, and an anechoic chamber. Students can choose from 14 different specialisations.

Master of Engineering (MEng) programme focuses on theoretical information and analysis and design skills for industrial systems. Students can specialise in: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Biomedical Engineering; Computer Networking and Security; Nanoelectronic Circuits and Systems; Nanoelectronic Devices and Materials; Software; Sustainable Energy 

Areas of research include: 

  • list items Antennas, Microwaves
  • list items Wave Optics
  • list items Biomedical Engineering
  • list items Circuits And Systems (Including Computer-Aided Design)
  • list items Communications And Information Systems
  • list items Computer Hardware
  • list items Computer Software
  • list items Nanotechnology
  • list items Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence (Pami)
  • list items Power And Energy Systems
  • list items Quantum Information
  • list items Silicon Devices And Integrated Circuits
  • list items Systems And Controls
  • list items Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi)
  • list items Wireless Communication

Department of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

The department offers programmes that are designed to produce skilled problem-solvers, leaders and innovators capable of creating mechanical systems and electro-mechanical designs that impact industries and make the world a better place to in. 

Undergraduate courses:

  • list items Mechanical Engineering programme 
  • list items Mechatronics Engineering programme

The department offers programmes leading to the degrees of Master of Applied Science (MASc), Master of Engineering (MEng), Green Energy Graduate Diploma (GDip), or a Graduate Diploma in Design (GDip).


A full-time student is expected to take three to six terms (one to two years) to complete the degree, however, the maximum time limit for the completion of Master's degree requirements totally on a part-time basis is fifteen terms. The MEng Program can be taken full-time, but students who do not want to give up on their full-time employment can register on a part-time basis. The candidate is expected to fund his/her own education. 


For the MASc degree, the requirements are a thesis plus the satisfactory completion of four courses and a seminar. 

Research is carried out in the following fields:

  1. list items
    Materials Engineering and Processing 
  2. list items
    Solid Body Mechanics and Design
  3. list items
    Fluid Mechanics
  4. list items
    Thermal Engineering
  5. list items
    Automation and Controls

Department of Systems Design Engineering

Established over 40 years ago, the Department of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo was the first-of-its-kind in Canada. 

Areas of research:

Methodological fields

  1. list items
    Modeling, simulation, and systems theory
  2. list items
    Vision, Image and Signal processing
  3. list items
    Machine Learning and intelligence
  4. list items
    Optimization and decision making

Application fields

  1. list items
    Biomedical Engineering
  2. list items
    Human factors & Ergonomics
  3. list items
    Mechatronic and physical systems
  4. list items
    Societal and environmental systems

The department administers two Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) degree programs - systems design engineering and biomedical engineering.

The department grants the following graduate degrees

  1. list items
    Master of Engineering (MEng)
  2. list items
    Master of Applied Science (MASc)
  3. list items
    Accelerated Master's Program
  4. list items
    Collaborative program in Nanotechnology


All MEng Graduate Specializations in Systems Design Engineering consist of a set of 4 graduate (0.50 weight) level courses, and this set is comprised of a mix of specified and elective courses.

Graduate specializations

  1. list items
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  2. list items
    Biomedical Systems
  3. list items
    Human Factors
  4. list items
    Mechatronics and Physical Systems
  5. list items
    Vision, Image and Signal Processing


Students must complete 4 Engineering graduate courses (0.50 unit weight per course) counting towards degree credit.

Graduate research fields

  1. list items
    Biomedical Engineering
  2. list items
    Human Factors and Ergonomics
  3. list items
    Machine Learning and Intelligence
  4. list items
    Mechatronic and Physical Systems
  5. list items
    Modelling, Simulation and Systems Theory
  6. list items
    Optimization and Decision Making
  7. list items
    Societal and Environmental Systems
  8. list items
    Vision, Image and Signal Processing

Computer Science

The Cheriton School of Computer Science is named after David R. Cheriton, who earned his PhD in Computer Science in 1978 and made a transformational gift to the school in 2005. It has become the largest hub for Computer Science researchers in Canada. It is one of the leading computer science units in the world. It has more than 90 faculty members, 400 graduate students and 3,600 undergraduates.

The School holds $6 million annually in research grants.

Research is undertaken in the following areas: Algorithms and complexity; Artificial intelligence; Bioinformatics; Computer algebra and symbolic computation; Computer graphics; Cryptography, security, and privacy (CrySP); Data systems; Formal methods; Health informatics; Human computer interaction; Machine learning; Programming languages; Quantum computing; Scientific computation; Software engineering; Systems and networking

Many of the faculty have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to research, some of them are—

  1. list items
    Eight Fellows at the Royal Society of Canada
  2. list items
    Five Fellows at the Association of Computing Machinery
  3. list items
    Seven are CS-Can/Info-Can Lifetime Achievement Award in Computer Science Winners
  4. list items
    Three are Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  5. list items
    One is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
  6. list items
    Seven are Outstanding Young Computer Science Researchers
  7. list items
    Two are Tier 1 Canada Research Chairs
  8. list items
    One is a Killiam Prize Awardee
  9. list items
    One is a Stacie Memorial Fellowship holder

The School of Computer Science offers graduate programs leading to a Master of Mathematics (MMath).

Master of Mathematics

  • list items Coursework option in Computer Science (Duration: 12-16 months)
  • list items Thesis option (1-2 years)

Additional master's programs

  • list items Master of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (MDSAI): Four terms (16 months) for full-time students, normally comprising of three study terms and one work term. Students may apply for an eight-month work term that would lengthen their program to five terms (20 months).
  • list items Master of Mathematics (MMath) in Data Science: 4 to 6 terms

Undergrad courses offered:

  1. list items
    Computer Science (BCS/BMath)
  2. list items
    Business Administration and Computer Science - double degree (BBA/BCS)
  3. list items
    Computing and Financial Management (BCFM)
  4. list items
    Software Engineering (BSE)

Pure Sciences 

1. Biology

The Department of Biology offers undergraduate degrees in Bioinformatics, Biomedical Sciences (formerly Pre-Optometry/Pre-Health), Honours Biochemistry, Honours Biochemistry/Biotechnology (Regular and Co-op), Honours Environmental Sciences (Ecology Specialization) and Honours Biology (Regular and Co-op).

  • list items Research Areas - Bioinformatics, Systematics And Evolution; Ecology And Environmental Biology; Microbiology; Molecular Genetics; Physiology, Cell And Developmental Biology; Active Research Groups And Labs
  • list items Laboratories - Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC); Molecular Biology core facility; FACS facility; Plant growth facility; Electron and confocal microscopy; Aquatic ecology; Molecular Microbiology and Bioinformatics facility; Wet-lab facility

The Department of Biology offers thesis-based graduate training at the M.Sc. (Master of Science) level. At least two of the required courses must come from within the Biology Department listings.

All programmes require that graduate students take the Graduate Academic Integrity Module. This is an online course that must be completed within the first 8 weeks of your first term

2. Chemistry

The department has more than 150 graduate students and 39 faculty members thus making its graduate studies one of the largest in Canada. Research in chemistry covers a broad range of topics related to the development of new materials and nanotechnology. 

The M.Sc. programmes in Chemistry and Biochemistry offer exposure to world-class research in many subjects including the core areas of analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, materials, nanotechnology, organic, physical, polymer and theoretical chemistry. In the M.Sc. Programme with Thesis Option, students must successfully complete at least three graduate level courses plus the M.Sc. seminar course and submit and defend an acceptable thesis. 

For the M.Sc. course-work-based option, students must successfully complete six graduate courses plus the M.Sc. seminar course and the M.Sc. Research Paper. The research paper is experimental and should be completed during one term of full-time research. Three of the six graduate courses may be taken through other departments within the university. The minimum period of the course-work-based M.Sc. is six terms.

For the Co-operative thesis option, the academic requirements are the same as that for the regular-thesis Option, but at least two of the required four courses must be completed during the first two terms in the program.

Following the second term, the student will spend two terms (eight months) working in an industrial or government laboratory, upon the completion of which they must present an acceptable work report. 

Some of the facilities in the department are:

1.Waterloo Advanced Technology Labs (WATLabs)

2.Waterloo Chemical Analysis Facilities

  • list items University of Waterloo Mass Spectrometry Facility
  • list items University of Waterloo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
  • list items University of Waterloo Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction

3.University of Waterloo Centres and Institutes affiliated with the Department of Chemistry

  • list items Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBB)
  • list items ​Institute for Polymer Research (IPR)
  • list items Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
  • list items Water Institute
  • list items Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN)

3. Earth and Environmental Sciences

The department offers several Honours Specializations at the undergraduate level. All programs can be taken as either a regular four-year program or as part of the highly-ranked co-op program.

  1. list items
  2. list items
  3. list items
  4. list items
    Geochemistry (joint with Chemistry)
  5. list items
    Environmental Sciences

The department offers the following graduate programs:

  1. list items
    Master's (MSc) programs in Earth and Environmental Sciences
  2. list items
    Graduate degree designations in the Collaborative Water Program in Integrated Water Management (offered jointly with the Water Institute)

They have over 100 graduate students supervised and co-supervised by the Earth Sciences faculty. The department provides a minimum amount of financial support each year to all the graduate students in the MSc who finish the programme within the stipulated time frame. 

4. Physics and Astronomy 

Highlights of 2018-19 for the department include the first image of a supermassive black hole, captured by Professor Avery Broderick and his team, and Professor Donna Strickland awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics.

The undergraduate programmes include:

  1. list items
    Honours Physics
  2. list items
    Physics & Astronomy
  3. list items
    Mathematical Physics
  4. list items
    Life Physics
  5. list items
    Materials and Nanosciences

The department offers thesis-based graduate courses and provides the M.Sc. (Master of Science) degree.

Students are eligible to enroll in:

  • list items MSc in Physics
  • list items MSc in Nanotechnology
  • list items ​MSc in Quantum Information

Research is undertaken in the department in the fields of:

  1. list items
    Astrophysics and Gravitation
  2. list items
    Photonics and Atomic Molecular, and Optical Physics
  3. list items
  4. list items
    Quantum Matter
  5. list items
    Quantum Information and Computing
  6. list items
    Soft Matter

Students must complete 4 one-term courses (0.50 unit weight) acceptable for graduate credit.

Is it hard to get into the University of Waterloo?
The University of Waterloo has a 53% acceptance rate which means 53 out of every 100 applications are accepted. This demonstrates the school's moderate level of selection. Although the school is more relaxed than other institutions, you must still meet their GPA and ACT/SAT requirements. Your chances of acceptance are excellent if you fulfill or exceed their requirements.
Is the University of Waterloo better than Toronto?
It all depends on how you plan to launch your career. After landing your first job, the university you attended will only be significant till it serves as the foundation for your network and the beginning of your lifelong career-related networking. The University of Waterloo is a reputable university if you want to work in software and are interested in finding employment in Silicon Valley, the Toronto area, or elsewhere in Canada. The University of Toronto is more well-known if you intend to return to Brazil or another country abroad.
Is Waterloo a prestigious University?
The University of Waterloo is home to more than 100 programs in health, environment, business, math, engineering, the arts, science, and many other fields, making it one of Canada's best universities for innovation. According to the QS World University Rankings 2021 and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021, Waterloo is one of the top 175 universities in the world.
Can I get into Waterloo with a 90 average?
This is one of the most important queries you might have, and as you are probably aware, top students from all over the world come to Waterloo. Although the entry averages fluctuate a little bit each year, generally speaking, scores in the low to mid-90s for some schools and the mid- to high-90s for others indicate that you are a strong contender.  
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