University of Colorado Boulder Courses

Boulder, United States

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Ranked among the top four schools in the country by the National Research Council, CU Boulder's Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences (AES) is internationally recognized for its research and education leadership in aerospace engineering, earth, and space sciences. The Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering helps students develop in-depth technical knowledge, effective communication skills, and a systems engineering perspective that increases their problem-solving capacity. AES graduate programs engage learners in understanding, designing, and applications in aerial and spacecraft systems. The focus of the MS program is on experiential learning, technical, and organizational knowledge and end-to-end views of mission and systems. The Ph.D. program prepares learners for outstanding careers in business, governmental, and academic organizations.

Areas of Expertise: Remote sensing; Unmanned aircraft systems; Space Biology and human support systems; Materials & Structures; Astrodynamics & satellite navigation; Space Environment; Aerodynamics & Gas Dynamics; Global Positioning System (GPS) technology & applications; Commercial human spaceflight

List of Labs: Bioserve Space Technologies (BST); Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research; Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles; Center for Aerospace Structures


Chemical and Biological

The Chemical and Biological Engineering Department provides undergraduate (BS) and graduate (MS and Ph.D.) programs in Chemical Engineering. The objective of the department is to prepare learners through a challenging curriculum to lead in the many evolving areas requiring chemical and biological engineers. The program has been ranked 15th among all graduate programs. In addition, a high proportion 18/22 of the tenure-track faculty have won one or more national research awards.  The major research areas for graduates include biomaterials; biopharmaceutical engineering; catalysis, surface science, and reaction engineering; complex fluids and microfluidic devices; computational science; energy and environmental applications; membranes and separations; metabolic engineering and directed evolution; nanostructured films and devices; and tissue engineering. Particular emphasis on research in biological engineering, functional materials, and renewable energy is laid by the department. 

Areas of Expertise: Biomaterials; Nanotechnology; Polymer Chemistry and Engineering; Particle Technology and Complex Fluids; Biopharmaceuticals; Membranes and Separations; Renewable Energy and Environmental Applications; Computational Science; Catalysis, Surface Science, and Thin Film Materials
List of Labs: Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels (C2B2)


Civil, Architectural, Environmental Engineering 

The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering prepare engineers to design and oversee the construction of social buildings and infrastructure including highways, bridges, tunnels, skyscrapers, transit systems, water treatment, and offshore structures. The undergraduate program for civil engineering places emphasis on open-ended issues and worldwide awareness. Construction Engineering and Management, Geotechnical engineering, Structural engineering, and Structural mechanics, and Water Resource Engineering are some of the levels in undergraduate studies. A Master of Science and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering are also offered by the CEAE Department. Facilities including an earthquake simulator, a collection of geotechnical centrifuges, state-of-the-art geotechnical systems, construction systems, hydraulics and laboratories of structural materials allow a case-study approach to education that exposes graduates to real-world issues through experimentation, testing, and evaluation.
The Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering also prepares learners for professions in architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape design, and urban design.  The department provides undergraduate programs in architectural engineering, Masters in Architectural Engineering, and a Ph.D. The goal of the department’s graduate education is to foster technicians with the requisite expertise and abilities so that they can comprehend and solve complicated issues in the natural and built environment, encourage a sustainable world, and improve the worldwide quality of living. CEAE is one of the only three architectural engineering graduate programs in the United States. The following are the specializations and interdisciplinary programs offered by graduate degrees: sustainable building design and operation; renewable energy systems for buildings; illumination engineering; construction engineering and management; and engineering for developing communities. Here, doctoral learners engage in efficiency construction studies and often work with the management department of equipment at the University of Colorado and the Golden, Colorado National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
The undergraduate and graduate programs in environmental engineering emphasize sustainable and multidisciplinary approaches to manage the unique challenges in the field and also balance the competing social, political, economic and technical goals of environmental problems and solutions. The department provides bachelor, master’s, and Ph.D. programs. Students enjoy comprehensive and hands-on learning through lessons in the laboratories and research field.

Areas of Expertise: Marine/Naval structures;Biomechanics and biological structures;Earthquake engineering and performance-based design;Advanced composites and materials;Design and performance assessment of civil structures;Structural health monitoring, damage prognosis and validated simulation;Multi-scale, multi-physics computational mechanics and Multi-scale, multi-physics design optimization;Geotechnical engineering and geomechanics;Aerospace and light-weight structures;Protection of structures against impact and blast loading; Structural engineering and mechanics;Water and wastewater treatment;Illimination;Building systems;Geotechnical engineering;Environment engineering and water resources;Chemical process engineering; Air quality control;Applied ecology;Construction engineering and management

List of Labs: Charles Lee Powell Structural Research Laboratories; Center for Extreme Events Research


Computer Science

The Computer Science Department offers BS, MS, MEng, and doctorate degrees in Computer Science. Undergraduate students are involved in year-long software design projects for customers in the sector. Students can also gain professional exposure through Campus Computing Machinery Association's student chapter. The department provides three Master degrees in Computer Science: MS in computer science (thesis/non-thesis), Professional Masters in Computer Science, and a doctor's degree in Computer Science. The Master of Science degree provides students with the flexibility in opting for interdisciplinary areas that fulfill professional requirements. Fields of research include artificial intelligence, computational biology, human-centered computing, numerical and scientific computing, programming systems, networking and computing theory systems.

Areas of Expertise: scientific computing; networking;'theoretical computer science;human-computer interaction; computer architecture; machine learning; databases; operating systems; software engineering; programming languages  

List of Labs: Center for Software and Society


Electrical / Electronics

CU Boulder's Department’s Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering is ranked 22nd among public Electrical Engineering graduate programs and 21st among public Computer Engineering graduate programs by U.S. News and World Report. The department's goal is to help students build a solid foundation and experience in electrical engineering and information technology. Two curricula lead to bachelor's degrees, one in electrical engineering and the other in electrical engineering and computer engineering. The Master’s and doctoral level programs offered to the students are Master of Science (MS) program which is a traditional graduate degree; the Master of Engineering (ME) program which is a broad-based curriculum designed especially for students who want to expand their education beyond the field of electrical engineering; and the Ph.D. The department also offers a professional MS. This program teaches the basic knowledge, applied skills, and the latest developments in embedded systems, power electronics, photonics, and more.

Areas of Expertise: Remote Sensing;Biomedical Engineering;Telecommunications Finance and Policy;Signal Processing;Telecommunications Networks;Dynamics and Controls;Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves;Wireless Communications;Computer Engineering and Computer-Aided Design;Nanostructures and Devices;Optics and Photonics;Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems;Bioengineering applications;Traffic & Queuing

List of Labs:  Colorado Center for Power Electronics


Engineering Management

CU Boulder's Lockheed Martin Engineering Management Program offers a qualitative graduate-level curriculum that provides working engineers and technical experts with the requisite training to assume management duties efficiently. Engineering management is not only for technicians but also for individuals in a technical sector who want to acquire the necessary business and management abilities to become leaders in their fields. The EMP provides a master's degree in Engineering Management, a dual degree in graduate engineering, a minor in undergraduate engineering management, and a range of graduate and undergraduate certificates. Certificates include CU Employee Leadership and Management, Engineering Entrepreneurship, Engineering Management, Leadership and Management, Management of Technology Applied Research, Performance Excellence in Technology Management, Project Management, Product and Process Engineering Quality Systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Six Sigma Statistical Practitioners, Technology Ventures and Product Management, Undergraduate Engineering Management and Water Engineering & Management.

Areas of Expertise: Operations Management; Total quality management; Process management; Project management; Entrepreneurship in engineering


Information Science

At the College of Media, Communication, and Information, the Department of Information Science studies the relationships between individuals, locations, and technology, as well as the information resulting from these interactions. Here, students learn to gather, evaluate, and interpret many distinct sources of data. They study interactions with all things digital including software, computers, and algorithms. The department offers both BS and Ph.D. degrees. Students enrolled in undergraduate programs are capable of creating social and technological solutions, applying them to real problems, and assessing their effectiveness. The Ph.D. program is for learners who want interdisciplinary issues to be investigated empirically. A variety of methods, theoretical frameworks, design practices, and computational techniques are learned by Ph.D. students.

Areas of Expertise: Information Technology; Technology, Arts, and Media


Material Science

The Science and Engineering Materials Program (MSE) provides interdisciplinary Ph.D. and M.S. programs which impart strict materials science and engineering education and the basics of physics, engineering, chemistry, and biology underlying this discipline. Educational goals are achieved through both training and cross-disciplinary research training supervised by one or more faculty members in the field of science and engineering. The departmental faculty work is acknowledged globally, and students are exposed to research in areas such as space science/aerospace engineering, energy systems, renewable and sustainable power, biotechnology, biomedicine, and geoscience. The program offers six unique study tracks: materials for electronic, magnetic and photonics; soft materials; structural materials; energy materials; biomaterials; and science for computational materials.

Areas of Expertise: Inorganic Materials; Biomaterials; Polymeric Materials



The Mechanical Engineering Department performs a variety of studies in consumer goods, robotics, thermodynamics, power, and climate. The mechanical engineering program of the University of Colorado Boulder is ranked 19th by the U.S. News & World Report and is thus one of the top-ranking engineering graduate programs in government institutes. The United States ranks the College of Engineering and Applied Science 31st at CU Boulder in the undergraduate category. Undergraduate, graduate and dual degrees are offered by the department in the field. The undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum provides students with a chance to specialize in biomedical engineering or environmental engineering. The graduate program provides both thesis/non-thesis and professional degrees in MS. The Master of Science Professional is a degree that emphasizes project-based and curriculum-driven teaching and is aimed at working technicians and graduates considering an industry career. The department also provides a Bachelor's–Accelerated Master's (BAM) degree program that provides the chance for undergraduate learners to obtain bachelor's and master's degrees more efficiently than if they pursued each degree separately. MechE & Eng. Mgmt. dual degree is also provided by the Mechanical Engineering Department. A student who is pursuing ME, Mechanical Engineering degree (Primary) and also wishes to obtain the Engineering Management degree must be admitted into the Mechanical Engineering MS Professional degree. Students must then apply internally and be admitted into the Engineering Management Program. Doctoral scholars at Colorado Boulder University participate in cutting-edge, tier-one studies, learning from nationally and globally acknowledged professors. They perform basic and applied research in air quality, biomedical engineering, micro / nanoscale engineering, materials science, materials mechanics, robotics and design of structures, and thermo fluid science.

Areas of Expertise: Energy & Environment; Materials, Polymers, Membranes; Design; Microsystems, MEMS, Nanotechnology; Fluids, Thermal Sciences; Mechanics of Materials (Previously Applied Mechanics); Air Quality Engineering, Control; Simulation-Based Mechanical Engineering Sciences; Bioengineering, Biomechanics; Electronic manufacturing and optimal system design

List of  Labs: Center for Membrane Applied Science & Technology; Design Center Colorado 


Pure Sciences

The Department of Physics offers a concrete understanding of the physical and natural laws and the capacity to use these fundamental ideas to solve problems. Together with a Ph.D., the department also provides bachelor’s, master's and Bachelor's-Accelerated Master's degrees. Research areas include Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter and Physics of Metals, Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, Biophysics, Gravitational Physics and History & Philosophy of Science.
The Chemistry Department is ranked among the top-ranking tier-1 study organizations in the nation and is acknowledged globally for its excellent research and educational initiatives for graduate programs. The department, together with a Ph.D., provides bachelor’s and master's degrees. It offers cutting-edge possibilities across a broad spectrum of chemistry fields leading to world-class innovation in subjects such as renewable energy, air pollution, and sophisticated spectroscopy methods.
The Department of Mathematics has a wide variety of research interests in mathematical subjects including Algebraic and Differential Geometry, Combinatorics, Logic and Foundations, Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Noncommutative Geometry, Operator Algebras, Probability, and Topology. The department provides both Master of Science and Master of Arts in Mathematics and a Ph.D. program in Mathematics. 

Areas of Expertise: Computational Mathematics; Atomic, molecular and optical physics; Quantum mechanics; Thermal Physics; Probability and Statistics; Nonlinear phenomena; Physical Applied Math 

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