New York University (NYU) [Stern/Tandon] Courses

New York, New York, United States

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Mechanical and Aerospace

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Tandon School of Engineering) is reaching new heights in aerospace technology education and research by concentrating its focus on the mechanical aspects of aerospace science.

It offers :

  • list items BS, MS and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
  • list items MS in Mechatronics and Robotics oriented towards Aerospace Engineering and Technology

The faculty of the department is committed to creating smart technology through cutting-edge research in rocket engines, satellites, etc. Their efforts have borne fruit in the form of a successful rocketry project that was a part of the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program. Faculty member Nikhil Gupta won the Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship in 2009. Agile Robotics and Perception lab is helping the department break new grounds in aerospace science research.

The specializations available are Energy:

  • list items Engineering and Policy
  • list items Controls and Dynamic Systems
  • list items Mechanics
  • list items Structural Systems and Fluids.

Ph.D. students can opt to specialize in :

  • list items Controls and dynamic systems
  • list items Fluid dynamics and thermal systems
  • list items Materials engineering or mechanics
  • list items Structural systems.

The faculty has a proven track record of nurturing talent and channelizing it for innovative solutions in the most challenging fields of mechanical engineering. The department has an overall faculty strength of 35. Each faculty member possesses a rich research experience in the most demanding fields.

This experience is translated into making the classrooms and laboratories sessions the spaces where innovation is born. Professor Weiqiang Chen was awarded Chroma Young Investigator Award in 2019 and Professor Vikram Kapila was awarded the Outstanding Project Award by the National Science Foundation in 2011.

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items Automated Manufacturing
  • list items Energy Systems
  • list items Production Planning & Control
  • list items Materials Engineering
  • list items Fluidic Systems & Devices
  • list items Robotic Systems

List of Labs (Aerospace):

  • list items Offensive Security
  • list items Incident Response
  • list items Internet Security (OSIRIS) Laboratory

List of Labs (Mechanical):

  • list items Applied Micro Bioengineering Laboratory
  • list items Laboratory for Agile and Resilient Complex Systems
  • list items Particles, Interface & Fluids Laboratory
  • list items Laboratory for Mechanobiology & Regenerative Medicine
  • list items Applied Dynamics & Optimization Laboratory
  • list items Composite Materials & Mechanics Laboratory
  • list items Mechatronics Laboratory

Chemical and Biomolecular

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering brings the in-vogue biotechnology programs backed by an innovative curriculum and pedagogy.

It offers :

  • list items BS in Biomolecular Science
  • list items BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • list items MS in Biotechnology
  • list items MS in Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship
  • list items MS Lin Chemical Engineering
  • list items MS in Bioinformatics (Online) programs
  • list items MS in Chemistry
  • list items PhDs in Materials Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

The faculty of the department aims to develop a critical mindset amongst the students so that they become the producers of the most urgent life-saving biotech solutions required by society. Professor John McDevitt was awarded the Gates Grant for HIV monitoring. Jin Kim Montclare was inducted into the prestigious American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering.

A research team led by Andre Taylor has recently created organic solar cells that are resistant to air, light, and water. Professor David Pine from the department was awarded a fellowship to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Professor Eray Aydil has been awarded the Camille-Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.

The main research areas of the department are biopolymers at interfaces, bio-sensors, protein engineering, and biomolecular diagnostics. The main research areas of the department include dynamics of complex fluids, nanotechnology, nanomaterials, and process-systems engineering.

Langone Medical Center and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center offer students the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the professional world.

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items Systems biology
  • list items Process System Engineering
  • list items Microphotonics
  • list items Drug Delivery
  • list items Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
  • list items Dynamics of Complex Fluids

Civil and Urban

The Department of Civil and Urban Engineering aims to tackle the challenge of rapid urbanization by promoting research and education for a smart, resilient and sustainable urban space.

It offers :

  • list items BS in Civil Engineering
  • list items BS in Construction Management
  • list items BS (minor) in Construction Management
  • list items Transportation, Urban Informatics
  • list items Environmental Engineering

The master’s programs offered by the department are :

  • list items Transportation Engineering
  • list items Geotechnical Engineering
  • list items Structural and Material Engineering
  • list items Environmental Engineering
  • list items Urban Systems and Urban Analytics
  • list items Construction Management and Engineering.

The dual degrees offered by the department are :

  • list items 5-year BS/MS in Civil Engineering or Construction Management
  • list items (BS)/ MS in Urban Planning
  • list items BS in Mathematics and Civil Engineering
  • list items BS in Physics

Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering and Transportation Planning and Engineering are also offered.

Most of the faculty members are active researchers and bring their research experience to teaching so that the students can have an edge over their peers. A. Silverman; J. Chow, C. Kontokosta, K. Ozbay and M. Iskander from the department have been awarded National Science Foundation CAREER Award, while L. Chiarelli, F. Griffis, M. Iskander, and C. Kontokosta have been awarded fellowship of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

The main research areas of the department are :

  • list items Construction Engineering
  • list items Environmental Engineering and Science
  • list items Geotechnical Engineering
  • list items Materials
  • list items Resiliency
  • list items Structural Engineering
  • list items Transportation Engineering
  • list items Urban Informatics
  • list items Urban Infrastructure Systems

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items Management of Urban Utilities Networks
  • list items Construction Management
  • list items Transportation Systems
  • list items Environmental Analysis

List of Labs:

  • list items NYS RISE (New York State Resiliency Institute for Storms and Emergencies)
  • list items International Center for Enterprise Preparedness (INTERCEP)
  • list items Urban Infrastructure Institute
  • list items Center for Construction Management Innovation
  • list items Urban ITS Center
  • list items Resiliency Resource Center
  • list items C2Smart

Computer Science

The Computer Science Department (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences) at NYU has been at the forefront of CS research, teaching, and innovation.

It offers :

  • list items BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
  • list items MS in Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy
  • list items MS in Computer Science
  • list items BS in Computer Science
  • list items BS in Computer Engineering
  • list items Bioinformatics, M.S. Online
  • list items Ph.D. in Computer Science

The department’s Yann LeCun was awarded the 2018 Turing Award. Professor Chee Yap was elected to the Academia Europaea. Ted Rappaport will receive the Eric. E Summer Award for 2020, while Margaret E Wright from the department has been awarded the John Von Neumann Award for 2019.

The department concentrates its research efforts in:

  • list items Algorithms and Theory
  • list items Computational Biology
  • list items Formal Methods and Verification
  • list items Graphics, Vision and User
  • list items Interfaces, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
  • list items Scientific Computing, Systems, and Networking.

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items High-Performance Networks
  • list items Data Mining
  • list items Internet Search Engines
  • list items Distributed Systems
  • list items Advanced Algorithms
  • list items Large Database Systems
  • list items Game Design
  • list items Cyber Security

List of Labs:

  • list items Visualization and Data Analytics (ViDA)
  • list items CRISSP
  • list items Media and Games Network (MAGNET)
  • list items Mobile Augmented Reality Lab
  • list items Future Building Informatics and Visualization Lab
  • list items Game Innovation Lab, MAGNET
  • list items Center for Cyber Security System

Electrical and Computer

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is a leader in creating new technologies for computer hardware security, medical diagnostics, cellular communication, and nanoelectronics.

It offers :

  • list items BS in Electrical Engineering
  • list items BS in Computer Engineering
  • list items MS in Electrical Engineering
  • list items MS in Computer Engineering
  • list items Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.

They focus on training the students with excellent classroom interactions coupled with rigorous lab-work so that they can lead the creation of technologies that can go on to solve the pressing problems of the times. Amongst them are highly revered professors and various award winners.

David Goodman, Leslie Greengard, Yann LeCun and Dante Youla, for instance, have been awarded membership to the National Academy of Engineering. Likewise, Jonathan Chao and Theodore Rappaport were awarded a fellowship to the National Academy of Inventors.

The key research areas of the department are :

  • list items Communications
  • list items Networking and Signal Processing
  • list items Machine Learning, System, Control and Robotics
  • list items Energy Systems
  • list items Smart Grids and Power Electronics
  • list items Electromagnetics
  • list items Analog, RF and Biomedical Circuits
  • list items Computer Engineering and VLSI

It is taking rapid strides in each area with the help of its 13 dedicated research laboratories and centers.

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items Robotics
  • list items Automatic Control
  • list items Multimedia Signal Processing
  • list items Electric Power Generation
  • list items Wireless Communications
  • list items Telecommunications Networking

List of labs:

  • list items Systems and Control Group (SCG)
  • list items Integrated Information Systems Laboratory
  • list items Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications
  • list items Organic Electronics Laboratory
  • list items High-Speed Networking Lab
  • list items Shahrjerdi Nanoelectronics Research Lab
  • list items Power and Power Electronics lab
  • list items NYU Wireless

Technology Management and Innovation

The Department of Technology Management and Innovation is dedicated to tackling the challenges of a knowledge-driven world by emphasizing the importance of strategies for behavioral, organizational and social management of companies.

The Department offers:

Dr. Kaufmann from the department founded the American Society for Engineering Management. Professor Oded Nov was awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER award. MakerSpace and NYU Tandon Future Labs drive research at the department.

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items Impacts of Information Technology
  • list items Global Innovation and R&D Strategy
  • list items Sociological Aspects of Technology and Work

List of Labs:

  • list items (Industrial Engineering): Dynamical Systems Laboratory

Pure Sciences

The Department of Applied Physics offers :

  • list items BS in Applied Physics
  • list items BS in Physics and Mathematics
  • list items MS in Applied Physics

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences offers :

  • list items BS in Computer Science and Mathematics

It also offers :

  • list items MS in
  • list items
  • list items
    Computer Science
  • list items
    Data Science
  • list items
    Scientific Computing
  • list items
    Information Systems
  • list items
    Math Finance
  • list items
  • list items
  • list items
    Innovation (MS-CEI).

List of Labs: MicroParticle PhotoPhysics Laboratory for BioPhotonics

What is the GPA for New York University ?

Since the majority of applicants to NYU have unweighted GPAs of 3.7 or above, you must have one that is at least that high in order to be regarded seriously. You must predominantly receive A’s or A-‘s in your high school courses in order to achieve the GPA standards for admission to NYU.

Is NYU as good as Ivy League ?

Due to its prominence in the areas of academics, research, and athletics, NYU—a non-Ivy League institution—is regularly contrasted with the Ivies. In fact, Newsweek designated the institution as a "New Ivy" as a result of its remarkable admittance figures and high standard of instruction.

How much does it cost to go to NYU for 4 years ?

According to NYU, an undergraduate student’s total cost of attendance is approx. $76,614, which includes $53,310 in tuition and other mandatory fees, $18,684 for room and board, $752 for books and supplies, $1,110 for local transportation, $2,758 for personal expenses like travel to and from New York, and $4,620 for indirect costs like federal loan fees that are mandatory.

How to get scholarship in New York University ?

Financial aid packages at New York University are guaranteed to take financial needs into account. As long as you are a full-time student enrolled in at least 12 credits, you will continue to receive your NYU scholarship while attending New York University. Scholarships will be divided proportionately to part-time students enrolled in between 6 and 11 courses. 

What sources can I reach to learn more about becoming an international student at NYU?

The NYU Office of Global Services (OGS) is here to help NYU students. The office serves as a focal resource for legal, cultural, social, and personal issues. OGS also assists students in locating other University offices that may be of assistance. The OGS staff coordinates programmes with and for foreign students, as well as acting as a spokesperson for the University's international population. All transactions involving legal status in the United States are handled by the OGS staff.

What is the definition of a guarantee agency?

Student loans are protected from default by a guarantee agency. To insure the loan, the lender takes a default charge (usually 1%) on each loan it disburses and pays it to the specified guarantee agency. (Depending on their reserve fund, some guarantors may be able to waive or lower the cost.) In the event that a borrower defaults, the guarantee agency reimburses the lender for the outstanding loan sum.
